Performance Team at Ohana

Spread joy & good vibes!

Ohana’s Performance Teams are groups of dancers who desire to learn various dance styles, have a strong commitment to their classes, the studio, and their peers, and are looking for a bit more discipline. Our teams perform at various community events, such as Thunderbirds Hockey games, community fundraisers, charity concerts, etc. It’s a great opportunity for dancers who really want to learn new choreography and perform various times throughout the year!

Dancers interested in being on the team will need to audition for the 2024-2025 dance season. If chosen to be on the team, they will either be on the junior or senior team based on several factors: ability, age, commitment level & work ethic. Teams will meet once a week for 45-90 minutes.

Team classes are choreography-based classes that will explore ALL styles of dance offered at Ohana at the team director’s discretion. The team classes will not do extensive warm-ups, strength training, across-the-floor work, or technique exercises. The other classes that dancers partake in (Tap, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, etc.) will focus on all the above-mentioned items. The team class is specifically for working on choreography for ADDITIONAL routines performed only by team dancers. Different pieces will be performed at our charity show AND our recitals, and the possibility of different additional routines throughout the year. Routines will explore a different dance style in each routine or multiple styles in one routine. Dancers will benefit most by taking more than the required two extra classes! The Team Director will determine the style of each routine.

 In addition to your specific team class, team dancers are required to take AT LEAST 2 dance classes, and must also take a weekly technique class. s

Dancers are allowed three excused absences (illness, family emergency, family vacations) throughout the entire year. Other extra-curricular events are not eligible to be considered as “excused” absences. Being a team member requires a certain level of commitment to dance, and you will be asked to sign a contract accepting this requirement.
All dancers between ages 7 to 18 may be on the team. Placement on a team will be determined by ability level first and age second.

Approximate age groups are: JUNIOR TEAM: Ages 7 to 11 | SENIOR TEAM: Age 12 to 18

A womens with the black dress on the stage

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