Ohana Registration Waiver

Ohana School of Performing Arts » Ohana Registration Waiver
As (a parent of) a dancer at Ohana School of Performing Arts, I understand that….

Email is the primary means of communication between Ohana and my family. The following email address that I used to register my student for classes is the one I will expect correspondence from Ohana at. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to check this email to ensure I receive information from Ohana. I will notify Ohana management if my email address changes.

I am not to interrupt my dancers’ classes with non-emergencies to ask questions or watch their class without being invited into the room. I understand I can leave a message for my dancers’ instructor at the front desk.

I am not to text message or Facebook message my dancers’ instructors OR Ashley‘s personal accounts with questions relating to Ohana and will use Info@OhanaPerformingArts.com for inquiries.

I understand the annual membership fee (applied at time of registration through June 30, 2024) is non-refundable.

I understand tuition for each month of the year is due by the 1st of the month, including September tuition being due upon registration and October tuition due on October 1, 2023. I understand that payments received after the 5th of the month will incur a $5 late fee and payments received after the 10th of the month will incur a $10 late fee. I will include these fees in my tuition payment. I understand these fees cannot be waived from my account.

If my dancer decides to un-enroll from their class(es) after December 31, 2023, I understand I am required to pay for the entire year.

Monthly statements will be sent to me via email. I understand I may pay online through my Dance Studio Pro Parent Portal at any time or by cash or check dropped off at the studio. I understand that if my dancer misses class for personal reasons or a holiday or snow day, I am still responsible for making on-time payments online, and any applicable late fees will still apply.

If I have a question about a cancellation for snow days, I understand I can check the Ohana website, my email for an announcement, or Facebook to find the information before emailing or calling the studio.

I understand that my dancer is expected and encourage to attend and participate at all of our shows throughout the year. When dates are announced, I understand it is my responsibility to alert the owner and the teacher if my child
cannot participate or attend.

I understand I am able to participate in our scheduled fundraisers to defray the cost of my dancers’ costumes, but that participation is not mandatory.

I understand that my dancer is responsible for learning the choreography they missed during classes they didn’t attend. I understand attendence is imperative to the learning process and will make every effort to have my child
attend each class.

I understand that if I pay for my dancers’ costume late (after January 15, 2024) I am solely responsible for additional shipping fees associated with late ordering.

I am granting permission to Ohana to record the participation of my student on video or by photograph, and to use it for promotion and public relations on the website and social media. If I do not wish to give my permission, I must send
an email to info@ohanaperformingarts.com stating this in writing.

I understand that if my child has any specific needs, whether medical, emotional or otherwise, it is my responsibility as their guardian to communicate these needs with their instructor so that we can provide the best possible experience for all.

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